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1892 photogravure of the Indian River: One of our most recent Ebay acquisitions

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Here's what the Ebay seller had to say about this image:

"In the late 1800s, many publications were produced depicting scenes of the United States and the rest of the world, along with glimpses of art from the famous museums of the world. As traveling was accomplished by means of horseback across country, or by steam ship to travel overseas, only the affluent traveled around the globe-- and even for them it was not as easy as it is today. The majority of the population did not travel and relied upon these publications to see what the rest of the world really looked like.

"Photography was developed in the mid-19th century and was still in its infancy at the time this photogravure was made. Printing processes were developed allowing these images to be mass-produced, enabling the public to see what people, places and great masterpieces of art really looked like.

"This gravure was produced in 1892. Under the image is a description of the scene depicted, which reads in part:

'One of the greatest charms of Florida is the opportunity it affords of sailing through tropical scenery. Several of its rivers are navigable for small steamers, and a more picturesque and delightful experience can hardly be imagined than that of gliding hour after hour between majestic cypress trees, magnolias, palmettos and palms, as though the palm girt, cypress bordered avenues of the southern Venice, whose palaces had sunk beneath the waves. It is true, there is something gruesome and uncanny in these everglades of Florida. Strange birds fly back and forth above our heads; black snakes are lurking in the shadows of the trees, and alligators float motionless upon the tranquil surface of the stream....'"

The description sounds very much like the Sebastian River... even today!

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